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Executive Recruitment Outlook Reaches Highs in 2018

Executive recruitment could reach up to 271,000 in 2018 according to the Association for Executive Employment. A level never reached since the early 2000s.

Good indicators are multiplying for the French economy.According to the latest executive summary of the Association for Executive Employment (Apec), the recruitment of executives will continue to accelerate to break records in 2018. In concrete terms, the association believes that the hiring of executives could to be between 248,000 and 271,000 this year after 240,100 in 2017. For 2019 and 2020, this uptrend should continue in a favorable economic context.

For Jean-Marie Marx, director general of Apec, if “uncertainties remain on the international environment […] everything encourages us to count on sustainable growth, which would allow recruiters to perform more than 276,000 hiring of executives by 2020 “.

Services ahead

In its study, the organization explains that all sectors would benefit from this dynamic. Services sector companies could total up to 196,600
hires of executives throughout the year. At the same time,
Construction and industry should be supported by good economic health and significantly increase their recruitment of management staff. The construction has found colors. The sector is supported by the strong investment of households in real estate thus benefiting from low interest rates.

The services sector has hiring prospects estimated at between 4% and 14% depending on the scenarios for 2018 after a 10% increase in 2017. The recruitment of executives is particularly dynamic in the industry despite the deterioration of the sector in the industry. French economy. Recruitment intentions are between 2% and 12% after a 12% increase last year. On the trade side, hiring projections remain stable. This is the only sector to know this phenomenon. The rise of e-commerce and the transformations underway in supermarkets can partly explain the sluggishness of these prospects.